I hope everyone's in a good mood today!,
Tho sometimes I get to be on a different mood in a day LIKE MOST THE TIME!!!!
I hope I'm not sick or whatever???
Okay let's begin my Journey!!!
*When I was preparing for the boards, I'm already working in a School Library in Caloocan, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School. It's a big school which offers Grade School to High School.
I rented the School's Dormitory! so I will not go back to Manila eating up my time to review and do some other things.
Well, How Did I prepare for the Board Exam?
Here are some tips, I would love to share with you guys!
1. Clear up your Mind and focus on your Goal!
What's my Goal?
I want to be one of the Topnotchers!!!! I know it wasn't simple and easy but in order to condition my mind , I always motivate myself not just to pass the exam but to excel and receive an award from my Alma mater. Powerful!!!!! who knows they might give me a car?
2. Eat and be Happy!
Your mind and your body is one! always remember that! A happy tummy is a happy mind?? did I got that right?? well nevermind, eat! eat! eat!
3. Always bring your reviewers with you.
This helps me a lot. I always bring my bag with my laptop , although you will be receiving a lot of hand-outs (ohhhh I'm telling you! it's not healthy for Earth!)
You can download some of the reviewers online ssshhhhhhhhhh!!!! tho someone should be generous enough to post it , take the chance!
Ask help from the Alumni who already passed the boards, tho some of them might not! be careful it might offend them hahaha!
4. Remember that you cannot do this alone!

This is something I want you to keep in mind!
Always remember that you have friends, you have family or you might have someone special in your life today, or even those people who makes you feel worst, humiliated, envy of!!!! That Bitch!!! They say, this will be one of my sweetest revenge!
They are your source of Inspiration, Motivation and Strength.
Make them Proud!
5. Lastly, remember this a Ticket for a much better YOU!
You work hard for something you want! put an extra effort, put so much love and passion, bleed and cry your hardwork!
Before you take your exam, PRAY!
Whatever the result may be, be thankful and always make him your number one Priority ! Things will fall into places and everything has a reason, his will not your will, his plan not your plan, you just have to be Grateful!
credits: GoogleImages , UP Review Center
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