According to the Dept.of Education, Standard for Philippine Libraries, signed last April 2010 stated that for every 500 students enrolled an equivalent of 1 licensed Librarian and 1 library support staff should be managing the Library.
Well in that case, organizations who are not following this policy should be actually ashamed and members of Philippine Librarians Association Inc. should be making a stand to strictly follow this standard set by the Government.
It's 2018 y'all and still most of the Schools are not yet fully giving importance to the power of having a Librarian as part of the workforce. Aside from assisting Teachers during library period, listed below are the benefits of hiring more than 1 a librarian in the School:

Librarians can ...
- Manage proper Book acquisition's Budgeting
- Specialized Library Activities
- Support Outreach
- Substitute Teachers
- Provide Advanced Library Orientation
- Support for School Activities and Projects
- Substitute Administrators
- Basic Research Assistant
- Liaising with departmental academic staff, external organisations and suppliers
- IT support
- Resource Speaker for Information Literacy topics
Private companies and Government organizations prefer to hire Library and Information Science graduates to work in back offices as document controller, information resource specialist, secretary, research assistant and even in monitoring statistical reports. Librarians can be very convenient in Office Works and Customer Service jobs.
related searches:
[OPINION] In choosing a degree, consider Library and Information Science
MAY 23, 2019 8:53 PM PHT
A librarian has the responsibility to guide their patrons to the truth. Nowadays, such a responsibility is greatly needed.
Librarians on the Philippines' need for more libraries and librarians
The proposal was, however, met with criticism after Rep. Evelina Escudero (Sorsogon, 1st District) and NLP Director Cesar Gilbert Adriano discussed how a lack of trained librarians in the could be a challenge.
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“If that is the case, they would need licensed librarians. I don’t think we have enough librarians on hand. There are few colleges or universities offering Library Science course,” Escudero said during the virtual meeting.
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