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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Free Webinar Register Now! Topic: The Evolving Role of the Librarian August 2, 2021




The Evolving Role of the Librarian

Upcoming: Monday, August 2 at 2 p.m., ET

Aug 2, 2021 02:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Campus libraries have evolved, and so has the role of the college librarian. 

The responsibilities have moved far beyond acquiring and curating a collection of books and academic materials. 

Now, librarians must act as equal parts faculty coach, design expert, tech guru, and student-success advocate. 

As Covid-19 calls the future of the college campus into question, what new skills must library managers develop?

In this virtual forum, a panel of librarians joins The Chronicle to discuss the state of the profession today and 

how it may change on a post-Covid campus.

  • What should librarians know about optimizing physical space?
  • How can librarians heighten their understanding of digital materials and open-educational resources?
  • How are they making the case for their roles and the resources they need, amid tightening budget constraints?
  • register here:
The Evolving Role of the Librarian
Campus libraries have evolved, and so has the role of the college librarian. The responsibilities have moved far beyond acquiring and curating a collection of books and academic materials. Now, librarians must act as equal parts faculty coach, design expert, tech guru, and student-success advocate. As Covid-19 calls the future of the college campus into question, what new skills must library managers develop now?

In the virtual forum, The Evolving Role of the Librarian, a panel of librarians joins The Chronicle to discuss the state of the profession today and how it may change on a post-Covid campus.

- What should librarians know about optimizing physical space?
- How can librarians heighten their understanding of digital materials and open-educational resources?
- How are they making the case for their roles and the resources they need, amid tightening budget constraints?

By registering for this forum, you agree to share the information below with The Chronicle and Occuspace for marketing purposes.

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Can’t make it? Register for the webinar to have a recording of the session sent to your inbox.
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To Join the Webinar

The forum will be recorded. You will receive an email a few days after the live event with links to resources and access to the on-demand video and transcript. If you are unable to attend the live event, you will still have access the video.

We look forward to your participation. To have the best virtual experience, join a few minutes early to allow time for set up. If you are new to Zoom, you will be prompted to download the zoom app when you first start or join your first Zoom meeting. All attendees will automatically be on mute.
Please submit any questions to:
You can cancel your registration at any time.

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