I'm part of the Millennial generation, I live in the 21st Century and I love visiting Libraries.
Here's My Top 5 Things to do in the Library.
1. I visit the Fiction collection.
"I would love to stay in a place where the shelves divide reality and fantasy".
Most libraries are encourage to display a massive number of fiction books in different genre (adult, romance, comedy, adventure,etc.) Not just it helps in the marketing strategy of most libraries rather millennials are fond of reading this kind of material.
2. I admire the beauty of Libraries
Have you ever wanted to stay in a very calm spot and do nothing.
Just admiring the beauty of the furniture and secretly observing the people around you is a fun thing to do. I'm hoping for something to happen unexpectedly.
3. Have some fun talk with the Reference Librarian
Most library visitors find it more interesting to have a conversation with the
Reference Librarian. As much as I wanted to explain why? Reference Librarians are mostly front liners. They are very familiar with the collections, library sections, and services the library has to offer. They keep themselves updated to any kind of reference matter.
4. Visit the Library Archives/ Little Museums
This is so far my favorite thing to do!
A lot of people might not know about the hidden museums inside their school campus.
Library is like "A taste of the past and full of adventures"
Library Archives are repositories of unpublished and published stories of the organization. Artifacts are also kept here.
Library Archives are repositories of unpublished and published stories of the organization. Artifacts are also kept here.
5. I Take Selfies!
If you're a Millennial, I would like you to agree with me on this,
Raise your hand if you ended up taking selfies as a souvenir!