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Thursday, April 20, 2023

ALA President, Emily Drabinski visited the Philippines: "Libraries Work Because We Do"


Emily Drabinski, ALA President visited the Philippines this year in February.

Drabinski visited the National Library of the Philippines, De La-Salle Learning Commons, Bulacan State University E-Library, Quezon City Public Library, and conducted a lecture at the University of the Philippines. 

She even paid a visit to Manila Mayor Honey Lacuna. 

Thank you Emily! 

related articles with videos:

Tell us Emily (1/6): "Empowering Access: The Vital Role of Information Resource and Service Specialists in Promoting and Assessing Quality Services"

Tell us Emily (2/7): Selecting with Care : The Vital Importance of Access to Information

Tell us Emily (3/6): Collaboration and Partnership: Working Together To Advance Accessibility

Tell us Emily (4/6): Building the Future: Designing Dynamic Library Centers for the Modern Age

Tell us Emily (5/6): Embracing the Value of Freedom of Information

Tell us Emily (6/6): Champions of Knowledge: "Libraries Work Because We Do"

ALA | Mission - American Library Association: The mission of the American Library Association is to provide leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.

ALA | Priorities: In 1998 the ALA Council voted commitment to five Key Action Areas as guiding principles for directing the Association’s energies and resources: Diversity, Equity of Access, Education and Continuous Learning, Intellectual Freedom, and 21st Century Literacy. With the development of a series of strategic plans, beginning with ALA Goal 2000,  ALAction 2005,  ALA Ahead to 2010, these principles have expanded to eight Key Action Areas, which are supplemented by ALA Ahead to 2015, the Association’s current strategic plan.


Emily Drabinski is Critical Pedagogy Librarian at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. She publishes and presents widely on topics related to knowledge organization, information literacy, and critical perspectives in librarianship. Drabinski edits Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies, a book series from Library Juice Press/Litwin Books. She is a contributing writer at Truthout. 

She will serve as president of the American Library Association in 2023-24.

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ALA President, Emily Drabinski visited the Philippines: "Libraries Work Because We Do"

 Emily Drabinski, ALA President visited the Philippines this year in February.

Drabinski visited the National Library of the Philippines, De La-Salle Learning Commons, Bulacan State University E-Library, Quezon City Public Library, and conducted a lecture at the University of the Philippines. 

She even paid a visit to Manila Mayor Honey Lacuna. 

Thank you Emily! 

Tell us Emily (1/6): "Empowering Access: The Vital Role of Information Resource and Service Specialists in Promoting and Assessing Quality Services"

Tell us Emily (2/7): Selecting with Care : The Vital Importance of Access to Information

Tell us Emily (3/6): Collaboration and Partnership: Working Together To Advance Accessibility

Tell us Emily (4/6): Building the Future: Designing Dynamic Library Centers for the Modern Age

Tell us Emily (5/6): Embracing the Value of Freedom of Information

Tell us Emily (6/6): Champions of Knowledge: "Libraries Work Because We Do"

ALA | Mission - American Library Association: The mission of the American Library Association is to provide leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.

ALA | Priorities: In 1998 the ALA Council voted commitment to five Key Action Areas as guiding principles for directing the Association’s energies and resources: Diversity, Equity of Access, Education and Continuous Learning, Intellectual Freedom, and 21st Century Literacy. With the development of a series of strategic plans, beginning with ALA Goal 2000,  ALAction 2005,  ALA Ahead to 2010, these principles have expanded to eight Key Action Areas, which are supplemented by ALA Ahead to 2015, the Association’s current strategic plan.


Emily Drabinski is Critical Pedagogy Librarian at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. She publishes and presents widely on topics related to knowledge organization, information literacy, and critical perspectives in librarianship. Drabinski edits Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies, a book series from Library Juice Press/Litwin Books. She is a contributing writer at Truthout. 

She will serve as president of the American Library Association in 2023-24.

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Tell us Emily (6/6): Champions of Knowledge: "Libraries Work Because We Do"


Tell us Emily (6/6): Champions of Knowledge: "Libraries Work Because We Do"

Finally, who's my hero? I have a lot of them. Some of my favorite Library heroes are located. Right in Quezon City in the Philippines, the faculty of the school of information there, the work that they do to prepare Librarians for important information positions across the Philippines. I'm thinking of the also the University librarian. Amy Lagrama who is a fantastic resource for Library workers across the world. Not just in the Philippines and the work they've done to preserve the history of the country and to make that information accessible to the users of information resources in the Archipelago. There are some of my library Heroes and I hope that they are some of yours is well, So, thank you Rupert for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts with the rest of the community. And let's all put libraries at the heart of what we do. Because libraries work because we do thank you

Emily Drabinski is Critical Pedagogy Librarian at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. She publishes and presents widely on topics related to knowledge organization, information literacy, and critical perspectives in librarianship. Drabinski edits Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies, a book series from Library Juice Press/Litwin Books. She is a contributing writer at Truthout. 

She will serve as president of the American Library Association in 2023-24.

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Tell us Emily (5/6): Embracing the Value of Freedom of Information


Tell us Emily (5/6): Embracing the Value of Freedom of Information

I think nothing could be more important than making sure that everyone has access to the information that they need and that means a couple of things first. It means making sure that book banning and censorship attempts that we push against those and make sure they don't happen, but also Freedom requires resources, right? Or most free, when we have the resources that we need to. Is the information that we want. So I think any project that puts the library at the center of a community or an institution shows that you're invested in the Freedom of Information and it means we have to put a lot of resources into that institution so that we have the most information we possibly can have access to and that we have the people, the staff, The Librarians and Library staff that do the work of connecting people to that information. Freedom is a bigger concept. And just sort of imagining that everybody could access it, right? Freedom requires resources, and it requires Investments. And that's what I think is most important in our libraries today,


Emily Drabinski is Critical Pedagogy Librarian at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. She publishes and presents widely on topics related to knowledge organization, information literacy, and critical perspectives in librarianship. Drabinski edits Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies, a book series from Library Juice Press/Litwin Books. She is a contributing writer at Truthout. 

She will serve as president of the American Library Association in 2023-24.

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Tell us Emily (4/6): Building the Future: Designing Dynamic Library Centers for the Modern Age


Tell us Emily (4/6): Building the Future: Designing Dynamic Library Centers for the Modern Age

I don't think there's an institution that's more important to invest in than the library and I think, in terms of what we provide our community is for, in reading and intellectual resources. We also provide public space. It's indoors The library in a city is often the only place where you can sit down and have a drink of water, and maybe use the bathroom and read a book or talk to a friend without having to pay money. And so that library is the anchor institution, and so many of our communities. Making sure that we invest all of us in those in the building's libraries and in the learning commons, that we have in our University libraries. It's that's the life of the community. It's the life of the institution and organization, and we have to invest our resources in life, right? So I think all of us from the Librarians to do the work of connecting readers to resources. Has to the Publishers and distribution partners that make it possible for us to do that work. Also all of us have a shared stake in ensuring that the library as an institution persists and continues.

I think as more and more people gain access to information on the world wide web, we do need to think in different and new ways about Library space and The crucial role that that space clays for all of us in making sure. That the institution persists, I think in some ways, the space is the thing. That's the most important. And we saw that during the pandemic, when people could not come into the library, right? And that was a real barrier for people in terms of what they wanted to do. And I think it taught all of us that the library is a more important institution now than ever before especially in terms of the space, the indoor space that we provide. 

Tell us Emily (3/6): Collaboration and Partnership: Working Together To Advance Accessibility


Tell us Emily (3/6): Collaboration and Partnership: Working Together To Advance Accessibility

In terms of what Publishers and Distributors around the world Need to know from our perspective, is that we are dealing with constraints. We don't always have access to the kinds of funds necessary to purchase materials. So we need our publishing Partners to recognize that and to work with us, both on providing low-cost materials, especially for those of us working in libraries that are under Source or in parts of the world that are under resource and also to be our allies in increasing resource budget and making sure that other stakeholders understand the value. That all of us provide

It's also important when we're developing collections to think about the accessibility of what we purchase. It isn't enough to just buy an information resource and put it online. We also need to have ways that we also need to make sure that our materials can be accessed by the people who need them. And that means thinking about people with problems reading print, people with visual impairments or people who have difficulty hearing we need to understand the sort of particular issues that some people struggle with as they're trying to access information. Because at the end of the day, that's what we care about. We care about building and access to information for everyone. And that means being inclusive in our Collections and making sure that we're acquiring materials that everyone can read. 

Tell us Emily (2/7): Selecting with Care : The Vital Importance of Access to Information

Tell us Emily (2/7): Selecting with Care :
The Vital Importance of Access to Information

We couldn't do this without print and non-print Distributors and Publishers. As Librarians, our job is to select an acquire, organized and prescribe and circulate and preserve information. But that information isn't something that we can do all on our own. And so, we're always working with Partners in the publishing industry. We're all in the same ecosystem together without our Publishers and Distributors. We would have a very difficult time talking to collection in ways that are meaningful for our community

In terms of those collections, it's really important to think about the value of both print and non-print materials. For me, I always think about who my user is first and the people who use our libraries, sometimes they have access to computers and reading devices and they can use their phones. But a lot of times they don't have those resources or they don't want to use them for particular kinds of reading and research. So, we have to develop print collections that can sustain services to those parts of our populations. Of course, we also, also know that many many people rely on their devices. I have three or four sitting around me right now and really prefer to read online and so we need a combination of the two. I also think it's important to think about cost of materials. My library in the United States, we often have to two books, we have an e-book copy and a print copy and thee-book copy will cost for 2 to 5 to even 10 times what the print copy cost. So, we're always building and collections mindful of budgets and that means acquiring print sometimes rather than electronic when that is what we can afford. 

It costs a lot of money to purchase those materials but that is sort of what libraries do. And so I think of the librarian as being an advocate for the resources necessary to purchase the materials and infrastructures that we need to circulate are content. All of the pieces of the production of information, cycle of the knowledge and sort of information lifecycle. Every piece of that has people involved. Those people need to be compensated fairly for their work. We don't live in a world where any of that is free. So, it's important for organizations to plan for and purchase materials for their collections

Tell us Emily (1/6): "Empowering Access: The Vital Role of Information Resource and Service Specialists in Promoting and Assessing Quality Services"

Emily Drabinski :  Mabuhay! and Hello from the United States. My name is Emily Drabinski, I'm a librarian at the City University of New York in New York City. And I'm also the incoming president of the American Library Association, it's my delight to share some thoughts

Tell us Emily (1/6): "Empowering Access: The Vital Role of Information Resource and Service Specialists in Promoting and Assessing Quality Services"

I think at least in the United States, we hear a lot about the library not being important because everything is available online. But those of us who work in the information professions understand that there needs to be a person who understands how information is produced, organized, acquired and circulated, and the person who needs to use that information, so as we have more and more different kinds of information, all the information that is produced on the internet

Librarians and other kinds of Information Specialists are more important than ever but it is important to promote those Library services. And I think that's a thing that we meet often forget those of us who work in the library. We're very clear about how important it is, But sometimes, our users’ figure Google is enough. They can ask their friends on Facebook Messenger. But we need to do work promoting our services So that people understand the value that we provide. The best way to start is by understanding, really thoroughly what we have in our collection, the kinds of human resources that we have, understanding our community and looking at ways that we meet the needs of the people in our service area, and then choosing the programs that are most important to those people, as the start of our promotion efforts.

ALA | Mission - American Library Association: 
The mission of the American Library Association is to provide leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.

ALA | Priorities:
In 1998 the ALA Council voted commitment to five Key Action Areas as guiding principles for directing the Association’s energies and resources: Diversity, Equity of Access, Education and Continuous Learning, Intellectual Freedom, and 21st Century Literacy. With the development of a series of strategic plans, beginning with ALA Goal 2000,  ALAction 2005,  ALA Ahead to 2010, these principles have expanded to eight Key Action Areas, which are supplemented by ALA Ahead to 2015, the Association’s current strategic plan.


Emily Drabinski is Critical Pedagogy Librarian at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. She publishes and presents widely on topics related to knowledge organization, information literacy, and critical perspectives in librarianship. Drabinski edits Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies, a book series from Library Juice Press/Litwin Books. She is a contributing writer at Truthout.

She will serve as president of the American Library Association in 2023-24.

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Tell us Emily (1/6): "Empowering Access: The Vital Role of Information Resource and Service Specialists in Promoting and Assessing Quality Services"

Tell us Emily (2/7): Selecting with Care : The Vital Importance of Access to Information

Tell us Emily (3/6): Collaboration and Partnership: Working Together To Advance Accessibility

Tell us Emily (4/6): Building the Future: Designing Dynamic Library Centers for the Modern Age

Tell us Emily (5/6): Embracing the Value of Freedom of Information

Tell us Emily (6/6): Champions of Knowledge: "Libraries Work Because We Do"

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